Tuesday, 1 January 2013

16 years of bottoms.....

and paws, children and friends, food and drink, paint and play-doh have left my chairs looking the worse for wear!

These old oak chairs have been part of my life since childhood. Relegated to the loft in the 1980's and then given to me for my flat in the 1990's I painstakingly stripped the dark brown varnish off and limed the oak to reveal its true beauty. I then re-covered them in a lovely blue chequered fabric. They've needed some new covers for a while now so last week I finally got on with it!

Tools needed for a simple re-cover- staple gun, staple remover/screw driver, pliers, sewing scissors, fabric.

Remove the old covers- a bit of child labour here!

Use the old cover as a template to cut your chosen fabric- mine is Clarke and Clarke's "Energy" in vibrant lime and turquoise.

Staple the opposite sides and tuck in the corners.

Looking much better!

Repeat 4 times and I now have chairs to be proud of!

This is what my blog will be about- all the jobs I have been meaning to do but haven't got around to!
Happy New Year.


  1. Wow! Job well done - they look fab!

  2. Fantastic, and the fabric you've chosen is very snazzy!

    Natalie x

  3. Well done! Great job and now the chairs look so fresh and inviting! Would like to become a follower but not sure how?

  4. The chairs look fab, it's great to see things given a new lease of life!

  5. Thanks everyone- the fabric was just an off cut in a sale, so I am pleased with the result :)
    Edwina- I couldn't work out how to add the follow button thing! I'll have another look at it.

  6. Louisa, you've done a great job with these chairs.

    Shirley x

  7. Great start to your new blog. Love that fabric

  8. They look lovely, bet you are pleased with the results :)

  9. Thanks :)
    The covers are settling in well to family life- my eldest son now has a tea towel on his because he's always spilling things!
